blower mtr wire

Hey thanks Del, but Im confused...the green wire(and ground/black wire) comes off of the blwr mtr. We fed both inside to the pass compartment thru the hole in the firewall where the motor sticks out...the black was screwed to the metal ac box, and the green wire isnt near long enuf to reach any connection. So are you saying I should check to see if there are 2 dark green wires coming off the ac and heater blwr switch? And if so one of them goes to the resistor and the other one goes to the "E" hole. If it goes to "E" hole, does it go from the engine bay, or passenger compartment. I still dont know where the green wire from the blwr mtr goes, or is that the one that goes to the "E" hole??

We hadnt planned on hooking up all the ac for under the hood either, so can we still hook up blwr without the ac motor??

Sorry, just when we think we got it figured out, it turns out to zap us!! Gotta be a special kinda person to understand electrical....LOL
