Another New Guy on the Board

Hello there. A good deal of you guys may know me from moparts but since I recently bought a 68 Dart last week, I figured I'd join the FABO crowd :D.

So here's my back story... I'm a 3rd year college student studying mechanical engineer (with a math minor) who just wanted a car to work on and enjoy. For my college graduation I got 2 68 Darts from my dad to work on but those primarily were held hostage at my mechanics so I ended up selling them off. For the past 5 years or so I have been saving up all my money to buy something big. Luckily this 68 Dart rolled along on CL and I had to take a look and eventually buy her. She's a GT model with a 273. Practically stock except for the radio stuff. The 68 Dart is by far my favorite A-Body and I am glad I ended up with her. :toothy10:

Well here she is...


I barely had the time to register her this morning and once I got home and got everything set I took her on a short 2-3 mile cruise. She drove really nice and I quickly got used to her. I am still getting used to carburetors and drum brakes but they were easily manageable. Well anyway after my pleasant drive through town and a hilly neighborhood I arrived home! As I was parking her in the garage I hear a small noise and white smoke poofs everywhere!!! In my mind I was thinking, "$10 that was my power steering." I looked inside the engine bay and under the car and sure enough it was. I just hosed down the driveway and muscled her off into an empty spot in the driveway.

This is my first project/fun car to work on so bare with me if I seem stupid or ignorant when asking particular questions about the car. I hope I can learn a lot from you guys and I am excited to see what the future holds.:finga: