Wife's in the hospital

Sorry to disappoint you, Geof, but it didn't get better.

Figured it was time for an update. Friday we went to get the MRI's done. She was on the table for about 1/2 an hour when the MRI shut down.

Gotta reschedule for Monday or Tuesday, they say.

Got the phone call at 9:00 yesterday morning that the only time they had available was yesterday at 2:30. At least that gave us enough prep time to get out the door by noon to get there. (I'm a habitual early person for appointments, to allow us 1/2 hour to get through the parking garage, get to where we're going, get checked in, etc, etc.)

Hey, we're doing good. Things are on track and on schedule. Except we're still in the waiting room, her in her oh-so-fashionable hospital scrubs at quarter to four. No one has said a word to us about the wait, so I start asking questions. ER needed MRI's after a car accident victim came in. I'm fine with that, what I'm not fine with is that no one bothered to even stick his or her head out the door to tell us why the wait.

Four o'clock they finally get her in. An hour later she comes walking back out, for a break I'm told. Take an hour, get something to eat. Gives us time to get to the lab for the blood work, get her a sandwich, then back to the MRI. They hadn't even done the contrasts yet.

She's in there for another hour and fourty-five minutes before they're done. We finally left Rochester at 8pm. Figure the first hour or so on Friday, the almost three hours yesterday, she was in the MRI for about 3 1/2 hours all said and done.

With the four hour round trip and the six hours we were actually in the hospital yesterday was a ten hour day for us.

Tomorrow we go up for the test results and see if all the poking and prodding was worth it.

Man that's just terrible to jerk a sick person around like that. Having to use the MRI for the accident is understandable but leaving you just hanging there is totally uncalled for. I guess that's the good thing about living in a small community like I do, the hospitals around me need your business so they treat you good. I have never been in for over 2 hrs. for an MRI.