LSx Valiant Build. Take a look inside...

Hey guys and girls,

I couldn't find a section to put this in. Overall, the hemi swap section seemed the most appropriate.

I picked up this Valiant about 3 years ago and since then I've contemplated what direction I wanted to take with it. With a background in lsx vehicles, I naturally wanted to stuff an lsx into it. It soon became apparent however, that the swap was not very common at all. Originallity be damned, I decided to get together with a local fabricator and make it happen.

Here is the result. The goal is to one day turbocharge it, but for now it will be an na build with nitrous. If anybody is interested or has any comments, questions, concerns go ahead and let me know. I'll do all I can to help.

The motor fits better in here than it has ever fit n any stock lsx equipped vehicle I've ever seen.

Took a custom oil pan.

Custom trans member and mount