Wife's in the hospital

Another little set back today. Turns out the lower part of her right lung was collapsed thanks the pneumonia. Doc stuck a suction tube in with a camera to - as the doc put - "Hoover her out." Then they took a saline solution, washed out the lung and vacuumed that out, too.

Seems to have helped. Over the past week or so her heart rate has been in the 50's and 60's at rest. After this her heart rate has been in the 70's and 80's.

Looks like the new EVD is doing it's job, too. A lot more drainage going on today from the area the tumor was compared to the last couple of days.

Here's hoping we can get her body over the hump from this and allow her brain to start healing properly. She's in a fairly new unit, neuro-ICU, and it's run by the docs who are used to running the burn/trauma unit right next door. They aren't used to having to set their treatment plan based off the treatment plan of another doctor. As her attending, the neuro-surgeon is the one setting the treatment plan.

One of the "complaints" that her neuro-surgeon has is trying to convince the burn/trauma doctors that the body is all one unit, that the setbacks with the body are having an effect on the healing of the brain.