Is this "we can't drive" day??

LORDIE I just had some unpleasant experiences for such a nice day.

I fire up the Dart and jump on the freeway, only to be confronted by about 8 cars all doing about 50 for no reason at all. This is a nice, clear dry day, on a 65 MPG freeway through town and lots of people push 70

I do a nice safe lane change from left to right, only to find out that some ricer meathead has come SCREECHING down the on ramp at about twice traffic speed, and for some reason thinks I am the problem

Then I get up to the end of the ramp, where TWO cars in front of me refuse to to a "right turn on red" even though the lane is clear for hundreds of feet. It's a 35.

I go downtown on the 35mph 3rd st, and get tangled up in a bunch of bozos who think they must do 22. Nobody will pass anybody.

Next of course is obligatory, expected, assumed. Someone runs "my" green light at the entrance to the park.

To top things off, coming home on the "I" we have an 18 wheeler on the right, an diesel dually on the left pulling a trailer. He is doing close to the speed limit, but does NOT belong in the left lane and there's about 10 of us behind.

THEN the druggie truck driver on a completely straight stretch of freeway does some unknown wiggle waggle which puts the entire left hand set of trailer duals into the left lane.

So finally the dually passes the truck, and I crank up the Dart and pass them both.

I'm pushin the 65 at about 68-69 on the GPS and I look back and this meathead in the daully is TAILGATING ME!!!!

I came home!!!!