Star Wars fans?

Besides being a gearhead, I'm also a Fanboy. I grew up on Star Wars and I love that stuff. Just the movies and related merchandise, not the expanded universe books comics etc.
Anyway, for us geeks out there we got some pretty good news a few days ago, George Lucas sold off Lucasfilms to Disney for $4.05Billion and they have already announced the plans to kick off a sequel trilogy containing episodes 7,8,9 starting in 2015.
Its a love/hate piece of news, especially after the man himself (Mr. Lucas) really bunged up the first 3 prequels pretty good. So most fans are hoping since he won't be at the helm for the sequels that we have a chance at some great Star Wars movies like the originals (Empire and Jedi, Lucas didn't direct proving his mojo ended at creating the Star Wars universe).

So for all us Fanboys out there, hopefully we end up with some great movies and entertainment from Disney and that the don't drop the ball on this one. I hear Yoda will now be played by Mickey,,,lol.