%#*?€# kids!

Ouch! Tough break.

Those wheels look like Center Line Billet Prowlers. I put a set of those on my 2001 Ram 1500 back in 01.

Looked like a pretty decent looking truck too. Too bad, hope lessons are learned and everyone is okay.

Oh, and as far as enabling, my dad gave my older sister a car when she was 16. It was a hand me down 86 Plymouth Sundance but was a great car....well until she rearended someone coming down hill at a stop light.

Also, he bought my little sister a nearly new 2003 Ford Focus ZX2 upon graduation from H.S. Competely trashed the inside of the car from cigarettes and food. Ended up broad siding a cop car in it too. lol

Both sisters came to my pops for him to cosign 4 vehicles total...yeah FOUR VEHICLES. Dealership told him he could walk out with a new Corvette zero down and 0% APR his credit was so good.....until the cosigning began.....needless to say all 4 were repoed within a year of being purchased. Ruined my dad's credit.

Me, well, he did pay $300 for the 71 Dart Swinger I had in H.S. in 1999 and the $350 rebuild kit for the 318. Never once wrecked or got a ticket in that thing. That thing was my baby and I appreciated it for my dad was a single dad raising us 3 kids. I even quit playing H.S. sports to pay for the insurance and go fast parts. For some reason my sisters never caught on.
Never cosigned for me either. Ordered that 01 Ram by myself then when I traded it in in 2004 for an 03 Hemi Ram and it ended up getting repoed a year later due to job stuff, my dad never once offered to help me nor did I go to him for help. Guess he knew I had a good head on my shoulders and would come out on top of things in the end.