%#*?€# kids!

I had to earn everything i ever got and i never tore it up [cauze i paid for it],when my oldest son graduated we bought him a car for graduation [240sx] he blew the engine street racing soon after [chip off the ole block]. After walking/bumming rides for a while he bought another car and took care of it and still takes care of everything he has [cauze he has to pay for it] same story for my youngest i gave him one of my cars he took very good care of it but we had to sell it so he could buy an economical car to go to work [split shifts 12 miles one way 4 times a day in a 9.5 mpg hotrod] and he takes care of his stuff [cauze he's payin for it] kids don't apreciate anything thats given to them and they turn into adults that don't respect anyones property. Sorry to see that happen hopefully both of ya'll have learned somthing.