Its Time To Build Some BOOST!

That's great your making progress Bill keep at it. I have a concern about you running the other carb with the stock PV. The stock PV is only good to run around 12 psi of boost and after that the boost pressure and the increased fuel pressure seen in the fuel bowls forces the stock PV closed and if it happens while your under load bad things can happen
Just my 2 cents Bill all info given is strictly from what I've read from real world experience

I am curious as to what YOU think of this pressure-equalization setup on this Carb Shop 750 blow thru carb.

Will it do the same thing as the modified vent extension you are talking about?

I am curious because the poster who talks about his A/F ratio being limited to 14:1 before he installed these extensions sounds exactly like our experience. I'd like to know what you think.

I hear you on the OEM-typr power valve, but we haven't YET, gotten anywhere near 14 pounds of boost (but, we will.)

If I have to install a C-02 crutch I will...

Right now, we have 8 pounds of boost, but our A/F ratio is at 14 under full throttl=e and boost. I know that needs to be 11:1.

Saturday, I will again experiment, this time with totally blocking the secondary high speed air bleeds to see if that will fatten it up a little. Gonna stuff some round toothpicks in the secondary high speed air bleeds to see what happens.

I'll let you know.