Train under the Christmas tree

My wifes sleeping at the moment so I cant fire up the train and pull it around front for a pic, but here is the train I am running this Christmas (I took this pic over the summer the day I picked it up) Its a reissue Lionel put out back in June of their pre-war Blue Streak set.. My dad was mainly into the Lionel trains from the 50's and early 60's, but as I said his collection is huge, and he had a good deal of choice pre-war tinplate.. among them was the Blue Streak.. when I was little, this was one of my favorite trains to run at Christmas time.. the colors, it being a streamliner train.. just made it cool to me.. When I was mid teenaged years, my folks split up, and my dad had to sell a good chunk of the collection to pay off some debts and whatnot.. the Blue Streak went with that stuff... now he has since re-aquired most of what he sold, and then some... but never got this particular train back.. 2 years ago when Lionel cataloged it again, I pre-ordered it the day I got the catalog (an original was just too pricey for me... not that this was by any stretch of the imagination cheap LMAO) .. month after month they release date was put off... I finally had almost given up hope it was ever coming out... So running this train is just adding to the flood of memories coming back to me this Christmas... Now I get to pass that on to Jameson.. and eventually I hope he's running my Blue Streak for his kids, long after im gone..