Darrell Alderman, Englistown '90

I've got a Dodge Boys shirt autographed by Darrel and Scott...
I have that same shirt that Darrel and Scott both signed for me at the Nats!

Perhaps follks need to remember that DA was also a humble gentleman to his fans and when the hammer fell on that coke thing, he took his medicine and owned up to it like a man.
Yep. He didn't hide from it at all. He publicly admitted to it, paid the price, and moved on. Now, if he had gotten busted again I might think negatively of him. However, he kept his nose clean (no pun intended!), came back to PS, and kicked butt again! I also agree, he was a helluva nice guy. I talked with him for a while and he answered all sorts of stupid questions from me yet never acted like it was a bother or that he had better things to do. We all make mistakes. It is just a matter of whether we learn from them or not.