Something you never want to see on a scan of your wife's lung

i feel your pain... my girlfriend of 7 yrs was diagnosed with a "giant cell bone tumor" in january of last year. her wrist started to hurt and swell. the doc she saw said it was tendinitis and gave her a cortizone shot. two months later same thing, same treatment. she was at work and the chair she sat in broke and she fell. they took her to the emergency room and they did an x-ray and found the tumor. it had eaten the bottom 4" of her forarm bones and was attacking her wrist. she has been on an experimental drug now for 6 months that is shrinking the tumor and regrowing bone. the injections are compared to chemo as far as the side effects. it is very tough to watch you loved ones suffer and not be able to help them. stay strong for the two of you! you will be in our prayers.