Marriage/relationship question

I personally feel that intimacy is an extremely important part of a relationship. It is a way to show your love to one another and it also helps to bring you closer together spiritually as well as physically. Eventually, for most of us, as we age, the drive is not as strong as it once was, but if there has been no intimacy for more than a few months, then a couple starts to lose that special bond they once had. This can lead to feelings of mistrust and other mixed emotions, which can start to break a marriage down.

I wish you the best of luck during this hard time. I also urge you to communicate how you are feeling to your spouse and try and work it out. Try to re-capture the special feelings you once shared for eachother and remember that there are always ups and downs in a relationship and a couple who survives through the tough times, always comes out being stronger in the end!