My 71 Demon

Ok so at this point we had a few realizations, I couldn't keep fighting the rust fight, every time I would get the car clean, parts would start to flash rust again. So now we I decided I was going to get everything clean one last time and spray a sacrificial layer of epoxy primer. I knew I still had a bunch of body work to do, including patch panels, dent removal, and a few spots of rot that needed addressed but at least having primer down I would be able to get to the body work whenever I got around to it without things getting worse. Me and my dad spent an entire day dedicated to prep work for the primer. Got the car all cleaned up and then rolled it back into the garage with the plan of getting up at about 4am, rolling the car outside and spraying a coat of primer right when the air is most still and all the bugs are asleep. This didn't work out the way I hoped. At 4am when I rolled it out of my garage and started wiping it down I started to notice dew!!! God damn dew!!! So now I had to keep drying the car until about 7am when the dew started to burn off, we wiped down the car one last time and by 8:30 this is what we had.