I'm a little confused about this clutch.

No wonder I'm confused.
But you guys have helped clarify it.
Much appreicated.
So the "scalloped" type is made to accomodate an 11 inch disk with a smaller housing.
And the teminology kept adding to my confusion.
I kept looking for a "scalloped" place on the housing.
What they should have called it is a "notched" plate.
That makes more sense to me, at least.

I am thinking I'll just find an 11 inch disk and a throw out bearing.
I'm searching on line.
Is it strange that the parts houses don't seem to offer just disk?
No trouble finding a whole set.
Someone has one on here has a disk they bought on ebay by mistake.
They say it's 10.9.
That should be the right size?
Maybe that one?