what do cops look for?

you probably speak good english...

plus they profile people...

if you are driving along at the speed limit or under the speed limit...they suspect that you are trying not to get pulled over..
I was cruising around with a buddy of mine one night (ok, early AM) and we met a cop at an intersection we were turning at. My buddy waits at the yield sign (even though we had a turning light, so the cop was at a red). Then, after sitting at the yield for about 10 seconds, he (my buddy) finally goes.
Then he drives at about half the speed limit as the cop catches up, and holds that speed while the cop follows us. The cop pulls us over (of course, as this was some pretty suspicious looking driving IMHO) then after he lets us go my buddy starts complaining about the cop pulling him over.
I say something like "well, maybe if you'd driven normally, he wouldn't have".