what do cops look for?

Ha k in the day. I'd tell hot chicks there tires were wobbling to get there attention and stop. Worked like a charm each a d every time.

just now i was on my way back home from school for lunch....i was driving my aunt's ferd tortise bcoz Natasha (68 dart) is still down.

her car is much newer (2007) so i was adjusting the radio and looking around. suddenly i see red and blue lights in the rear view mirror...

i took a better look and yup ....he was after me. i look down and see i am going 5 below the speed limit (WTH), so i pull over and park and two officers get out of the patrol car. Its the county Sheriff bcoz i live in the farms and i was only about 3 miles from my house.

one officer came up the passenger side and stops by the passenger side rear door .....the other comes up to my window ....as they got out and came up to the car they took a good look at the car and the plate, took a good look through the back windows.

the officer watched me get the papers to the car from the glove box and my ID from my purse on the console, he takes the registration and compared it to the vin number on the dash. as he is comparing vin numbers, he looked through the windsheild at me and told me "hands on the steering" so i did as i was told. kinda strange feeling.

the two officers go back to the patrol car and were there for almost ten minutes.

then they both get out again and come up to the car, i right away put my hands back on the steering wheel before they came back........ the same officer comes up to the window again and takes his sunglasses off and takes a really good look at me up and down(very strange feeling).

and hands me my papers and ID and says "you have a good day miss"

Left me with a "WTH was that feeling"

So what were they looking for??

they didnt give me a ticket for anything .....never asked why my name is not on the registration,its my aunt's car.......never asked for immigration papers......didnt ask where i was going or coming from....NOTHING ????

WOW what was that?