X-Head Flow Numbers - What to do

Waiting with bated breath!

I think, IMO, that a new cam is in order after you have the head flowed for the final time.
The Holley Stip Dominator is a very good intake manifold.

The older heads have flow ratio problems when compared to new heads. While a lot can be ported to correct this, it can also depend on how far you want to go in porting them. The wider/larger the flow balance in the intake and exhaust flow rates, the larger the duration split for the cam is needed.

In the old days of racing, Crane cams (and MoPar) would suggest a extra amount of duration of up to 12*'s to help rebalance everything. This is still a available from Crane. Most other cam companies have a smaller split in the durations. It vari's a lot.

It is a big plus that your having your heads flow tested!

From the last test on the latest head work, you can start to figure out what and where you need to be on the cam specs. You allready know that duration equals RPM range it will operate in. Now, get a cam that takes advantage of the head flow abilities with as much lift as the head can handle.

Considering your on the street and not the track, do not choose a cam with more lift than the head flows at peak. It really doesn't make sense at this point to go beyond the heads max flow in lifting the valve beyond that point.
Your going to pick up a good amount of power that you'll notice and feel with the head mods and a new cam.