'68 Barracuda Notch

I tackled way too many projects today and I didn't finish many of them. Since I had the heater box and the cluster out, I removed the climate controls. A couple small repairs, a clean and lube and it works like it should.

I completely disassembled the cluster bezel. It has a major crack in it.

If you look close enough, you can see a second crack that goes from the fan speed selector to the heater controls. I used some plastic weld on the back to seal the cracks. I couldn't get it quite level, so I'll have to sand down a little in the front and fill in the visible cracks. I'm going to try and recreate some the texture with wrinkle paint. I'm not too concerned about originality since this one has already been hacked up for the radio and its in rough shape. Besides, this will give me something to work on while I find a new speedometer.

I also started working on the rear quarter glass on the driver side. For some reason, the glass was sitting on top of the vertical stops, so it wouldn't go down. As best as I can tell, its a result of a missing roller on the back separate guide. I've been looking at some pictures on R/T Specialties and Layson's trying to figure out exactly what I need. It would help if I could look at a 100% assembly, but I don't want to mess with the passenger side because its works perfectly.

For some reason, I can't lock the driver door with the knob on the door. I was able to get it to move with the key (which is more than it would do earlier), but still a little odd. I'll have to mess with that again later, but at least now, I can lock both doors.

I'm happy with my progress this weekend. Hopefully, I can find the parts I need and get it all re-assembled. There is a test and tune at Zmax in two weeks that I'd like to make an appearance at (ended a sentence with a preposition...). I've got a couple other things I would like to address before then as well.

Pictures of the dash bezel progress soon.