Sciatica and pain Dam Back .. Help

I have a couple bad disc's in my lower back and between my Chiropractor and a couple Ibprophen a day I have managed to nurse myself back to reasonable health without operations and prescription drugs. A inversion table may help ease the pressure on the discs and that pinched nerve. tmm

I have it too. 2 herniated discs L4 & L5. You have to strengthen the back muscles. That's the best thing to help long term short of surgery. If you are still suffering from the initial pain from the injury you need to rest until it heals a little. That means bed rest. Doing the exercises at 1st was tough but eventually I felt better as I got stronger. Sometime I need to get cracked back into shape & that takes some pressure off it. If you are overweight then losing a few #s will help too. There is no cure for it, just ways to reduce the pain. Good luck. Gotta rest it when it hurts.
Positively let it shrink down first and heal then self help and move smart.

X10 on these posts, it has kept me off the O.R table for many years, I enjoyed the water (swimming pool) work out's, yes a 30 minute work out with instructor was well worth my time and very little expense, I have a Chiropractor that has seen me for many years and kept me going and feeling good, Healthy and strong..... But once you get back into shape be smart and don't push/pull/lift to many Lbs. This will just compact it again..
Couches recliners and a bed to heal, then never set for more then 15 minutes at a time.. all you have to do is stand up then set back down when you are resting.... good days will return I pray.