Bolt in Harness Bar don't do it!!!

I'm not feeling this, at all....

What exactly is it supposed to do?

If it's supposed to give you an upper shoulder harness mount to keep you from moving forward in a head-on collision, the joints in the lower bar provide zero support, and it looks like it uses very little in the way of mounting the cross bar to mounts up top (Those bolts look like 1/4-20, maybe 5/16 bolts and there's only one per side) but I don't recall there being a whole hell of a lot of structural metal up top to mount the thing to.
The leverage given by the cross bar would just snap those bolts off if you applied much forward force to that cross bar.

If it's supposed to provide support in a side collision, it can't because there's no trangulation, the thing just folds over like the rest of the car.

I'd be willing to bet that this will add rigidity to the car since it ties the top if the car with the bottom.

It doesn't tie anything together. NOTHING. The joints that allow the drop bars to pivot make sure that it contributes nothing to rigidity and even if they were solid, the rectangle shape would contribute only minimally to resisting twisting of the car (emphasis on the "minimal").

All I see is a place for rear-seat passengers to hit their heads in a wreck, and for front seat passengers to have both collarbones broken.
Did it come with any kind of DOT or NHTSA certifications or inspections?

My opinions don't mean much and might change if I could see the whole thing, but that's what I see right now.