Bolt in Harness Bar don't do it!!!

I cannot believe you all are still discussing this . Is it that important to look cool with your colorful installation of non functioning race belts and seats. I just looked at the bracket that was bolted under the back seat in one pic. Any metal that bends like that from just tightening a bolt isn't going to hold a 150 lb person let alone two. These are junk and that is that .

There should be no discussion on which way to install them. They are for looks nothing else. A way to make sales on belts and seats to guys who don't know any better. Let these idiots install there junk anyway they want. If its that important to have the cool look they will never admit they are useless.

I had gone to enduro races where guys put metal head boards from beds made of pipe with the jail house bar look in for roll bars. They strapped them to the back of the bench seat. They were the first ones I would hit. I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.

Really guys what are you thinking of even buying this junk.

I was also thinking of a way to make money.

People want to lose weight and they want to get rich. So what about a book titled " Turn your fat into money" Sell them a one page book on how to make and sell a bacon sandwich . People would buy this. I know it.