How to Megasquirt your 3G Hemi

Here is my current ignition table. I used a 6.1 ignition table below 600 or 800, and a 5.7 ignition table above that, and then PULLED 30% timing out across the board.

Here's what I came up with based on factory 5.7 above 800 and factory 6.1 below 800 (I would have done 5.7 the whole way, but the factory numbers went below -10 at low rpm, and tunerstudio wouldn't allow less than -10).

KEEP IN MIND - this is based on full throttle all-in hemi timing (factory computer pulls timing for coolant temp, high IAT temps, knock, etc). THE HEMI HAS KNOCK CONTROL AND CAN PULL TIMING FROM THIS. Megasquirt does NOT have knock retard integrated like the hemi does (at least mine doesn't yet), so use these numbers AT YOUR OWN RISK.

*if you figure out knock control with MS3x for the hemi, please let me know! I want in on that...