Motorcycle insuranse in Saskatchewan

...........If ur like me, u like to keep our province in the black so all these ppl keep their over paid

Yup, can hardly wait to do my part! Seriously, I'd rather they not run in the red.

and from the sound of that article, they'll just have to hike your car insurance rates to cover all the money they pay out for motorcycle claims.

Yes, and from the looks of it, that 75% increase in rates will end up being spread out over the next 4 years.

The good in the article is that somebody in government at least stood up to the rate hike proposed for the coming year. What I find to be of great concern is that the numbers attached are a staggering consequence for the motorcyclist. For example, my 68 Barracuda will cost $526 to register and insure for a year, ($134 if I choose to use an antique plate). It would cost $1719 to register and insure a 1200cc Harley Davidson for the same period of time and that is without the proposed 75% increase. SGI in Saskatchewan, like MPIC in Manitoba and ICBC in British Columbia are goverment monopolies. These rates are the basic rates you must pay to operate your vehicle. Discounts up to 15% are available with a good driving record.

Risk drives rates and statistics determine risk. I find it very hard to believe the loss models presented by the insurance industry to justify these rates. It stands to reason that the risk of being injured is substantially higher for a motorcyclist. That is presented as a statistic that justifies increased premiums for motorcycles. Bicycle and scooter operaters face similar risk, yet do not share the liability and cost. Safely operated motorcycles may be better equipped to avoid accidents, yet this is not reflected in statistics.

Here is a quick comparison of basic 2013 insurance rates for two wheeled vehicles in Saskatchewan.

Bicycle Insurance not required
49cc motorized bicycle $78 per year
49cc scooter $300 per year
500 cc dual purpose $1263 per year
1200 cc Harley $1719 per year
700 cc sport bike $2000 per year

This is all without the proposed increase and keep in mind Saskatchewan has socialized medical care which will take care of that uninsured bicyclist as well as pedestrians regardless of fault.

SGI has a pretty good track record of listening to the public, unlike the totalitarian ICBC and MPIC. I personally cannot support motorcycle accident rates that would justify even the present rate differential and I feel that we in the car hobby have much in common with the motorcyclist in terms of being a small specialized segment of the market for the insurance industry. I think they are taking the bikers to the cleaners for purely political reasons and we could very well be next.