I have health news

Sorry to see this Cliff, Hopefully the new meds will work out for you.
Take care of yourself !

Thanks 2darts, I am getting better but at a slow pace so. I don't over do.

Wow!! How did I (the post *****) miss this thread Cliff :oops::tard:
Walking and keeping oxygen running in your veins as your hart rate moves
may my prayers send a wave of healing to you this morning, I will continue my
prayers of healing and your body to receive help with your meds the doctor has you on... amen....

Cliff, I have to keep my mind and spirit strong and busy and it is hard being trapped in my little cottage, don;t get me wrong I am blessed to be out here in the sticks, but I am sure you under stand by know how it takes a toll on us to be home alone each and every day, as this cold weather keeps me/us in... This site and other things help make my days more occupied and makes me use my brain and I enjoy a laugh a few times a day here 8)
Keep your spirit strong my friend, and I hope the sun shines on you today one way or another..... I wish I was close by to bother you with a knock on your door and get some walks in, pacing and looking at the walls can sure creep in some times but I count on my boss lady to see I am not lonely and stay busy... I think she leaves a mess just so she knows I have something to do some times :glasses7: Yea I am a home, house, animal keeper and it does get old at times..... I am always here so if you ever just want to chat let me know .. Your Arkansas friend keeping you in my prayers Mike.

Mike it's not easy to keep busy inside,my better half won't let me do anything her house is her domain. If I had a garage it would be easier,but at the same time right now walking and my meds are the best thing for me.

Good to see you are out doing some errands and walking, hang in there Cliff, still sending prayers :glasses7:

Thanks Keith. I will be going to Wal Mart today to walk again when I take my son to work this afternoon.