'74 swinger project

Been awhile in updating....busy with work trying to pay for this thing...

Damn near ready for paint!

Those were taken ~ 10 days ago, since then final gap adjustments made and final sand-n-fill the little stuff.

One last prime then onto the underside/interior floors/firewall with something similar to lizardskin (forget what we settled on) and finally color. Should be there in < 2 weeks (yeah, I know what I typed last time about a few weeks, I slowed it down waiting on funds, this time I mean it...I hope!) then it's time to begin the process of reassembly and final details. Hope to be putting 1st miles on it sometime in June :cheers:

The hood will be ready in time, just couldn't decide what to do until a few days ago. It's staying he way it is for now, just going to clean up the scoop mounting, fix a few issues with the cut hole to prevent rusting and run with it. Have another unmolested hood in storage if I want to change things up later.

And, yes, I dread the nickle and dime to death that's about to hit me for all the little things to get it finished...random fittings, nuts/bolts/ etc.