An old mans rig (compressor) Share

Those won't pull down far enough to be a good vacuum pump, but having said that, "back then" in the early 70s I had an aftermarket hang on AC on my 70RR, and had occasion to remove it. When I reinstalled it, (long before refrigerant regulations, LOL) here's what I did:

Bought ??4?? or so cans of R12

Sacrificed one can for a "purge" charge.

Evacuated the system by ??? hooking it up to engine vacuum at idle ??? LOL.

Sacrificed can no2 for a purge charge.

Re-evacuated with engine vacuum

Then re--charged the system. Ran it several years!!!! LOL

Sorry, no pictures.

When I was "little bitty" my Dad/ Gramps found a little refer unit "at the dump," and I can still remember the smell from MANY feet away as Dad nipped one of the tubes AND RAN!!! LOL. (This would have been ammonia, methyl chloride, or sulfur dioxide, all very dangerous stuff)

We had that lying around for years, a small 1/2 hp single cyl. When I was around 14 I found enough stuff laying around home to build it up to a tank, motor, compressor on wheels.

Didn't put out squat for volume, as it was very small. But it WAS enough to save pumping a tire pump!!!

!!!WHAT!!! None of you "kids" know what a tire pump is????

A fancy two--cylinder compound "high pressure" pump:

made when tire pumps were "made."

A "3 holer???"