Best garage floor paint?????

Here's what I did 3 years ago. Today it still looks like the pics here. It has been abused with all kind of spills tools dropping on it etc, The paint has never chipped except when I dropped an old 727 on it and it took a chunk of the concrete. My floor was very porous and rough, that's one reason I wanted in coated, it would soak up oil and water. I did not try to smooth it out except for the use of a prime coat. It received a very good scrubbing with a garage floor cleaner from Lowes that was made for their paint I let it dry for 5 days, this is the middle of the summer in Houston. The test is to tape a 2 ft square area with a plastic bag and seal all edges. Leave it for a few days then remove. If there is any moisture on the bag wait longer. There are some paints on the market that are applied over a damp floor. The Devoe coating line is not one of them. I researched every brand I could find for probably 6 months. I only wanted to do it once and I wanted the best for durability, looks and price. Once I had it dry I laid down a thinned out coat of the base color as a primer. Waited a day for it to set then continued with the coat buildup. I have 800 ft of garage floor so I did it in two sections. I did the raised portion in blue then checker boarded it. the rest of the floor is lower so i did it in grey. Once done it all got clear coated. The clear coat is not necessary and the base shines almost as well. This paint is available in any color and is used in industrial plants. I think it cost me about $100 a gallon. With all the colors and clear I think it was about $700.00 and I have touch up left. It is a very high solids coating and a respirator must be worn as it has isocyanates. I rolled it with a smooth foam roller. You can see the concrete texture in the pics. If I ever do it again it will be with this stuff. So far nothing has fazed it except my power washer stored in the back corner that leaked some gas. It was months before I noticed it. It did yellow the floor where the fuel sat but that's it. Here's the link to the data sheet. It's not as easy to buy as it was when I did my garage, but it looks like the distribution channel has changed. [ame][/ame]
If you decide to go this route I'll be happy to answer any questions.