People's comments

I realize a lot of us have a thing about brand recognition. Shouldn't the fact that people say "Nice _____" be enough. Is it that important for Q public to know exactly what we're driving.

How about this. You pull up to a set of lights beside a Yaris, the older lady driving looks at you &..... attempts to rip you a new one for driving a "gas guzzling, noisy, air polluting dinosaur"

The moral of the story, Apreciate any compliment you get"

I apologize if you've taken the tone of this post, wrong. The intent wasn't to not be gracious to observers. It was for anyone to share their stories about comments they've received for, or about their rides. Regardless, you have a great attitude, which is most welcomed!

And an FYI, I've received that particular comment and treated it the same as I've treated most off handed comments....With a smile and a nod ;)