'74 swinger project

1st the good news -- Engine is in, transmission, exhaust, driveshaft go in Monday. Did have to do an emergency locate for flywheel bolts, gotta love Amazon Prime, ordered yesterday, had em in my hands at noon :)

Dash is coming along, should have all the plumbing bits, getting a battery next week.

Bad news, and this is really annoying

A) the Shop I'm working with just changed owners. The new pair are interesting to deal with now. Their background is in fleet maintenance and insurance driven collision repair. They decided to add restoration/customization to there repertoire. It kinda sucks as they are micro-managing the employees down to the 10 minute mark in some cases as evidenced with the last statement I got.

B) and this is the really shi**y part, they just fired the fabricator that has been working with me for the last 18 months. In talking to the rest of the guys there is was a BS move with no solid reasons. I get to start all over again with a new guy. He's good as far as I can tell, has been working on my car for a month with the now fired guy and has "kind of" an idea of the final goals but it's bonn a be painful re-communicating all the little things that have been planned over the last 18+ months.

To complicate matters more and up my uncomfortable feelings about all this, when I was in the office today, no information regarding this was given to me even when I asked how things were going with the change-over. I found out when I went out to check on the car. to make matters worse, one of the new owners came out after a bit and was praising all the work the original guy did and was doing with him standing right there (not knowing I already knew what went down). Final bad news was a call from the painter/lead body/final assembly, make it all look good guy, he's about had it and is probably gonna bail soon also.

I'm going to mull this over this weekend, at this point in time I can keep the car where it is and let them finish whats agreed upon to now and decide then what to do, pull it out as is and finish myself (this is not my 1st choice due to hectic work schedule), pull it and follow the original guy to his new location (shop) uuuhhgghhh, this sucks….so close….