Going to Wyoming...

Been a little since I've posted on here, but I thought I'd update y'all...I'm heading west on my vacation week this year! My cousin lives out in DuBois, WY, so it's my plan to drive out and visit him for a day, providing myself 3 days each on the road to and from. Haven't quite figured out a route yet, but I want to go west on a more northern route, then come back home in a more southerly direction. Obviously, I have a lot of planning to do, since I leave July 7! :)

My goal is to center where I drive around scenic views as much as the local flavor (I'm a sucker for diners ;) )...once I get a route finalized, I could definitely use y'alls help with what/where I should see and eat at. :)

Anyways, of interest to you guys...I'm taking the Dart on the trip! She's driven me to St. Louis and back over a weekend this past fall, so I have full confidence, she'll take me all the way to the high desert.

That's all for now, I'll keep it updated. :glasses7: