If You Previously Added Yourself to the FABO Members Map, PLEASE UPDATE YOUR ENTRY

Here's an update from ZeeMaps, our FABO Members' Map hosting company, just as an FYI and bump for more additions!! :-D

"Hi there,

Just wanted to update you on a recent change in ZeeMaps.

Sometimes you may have a map with markers on the same location, e.g., different offices in the same building. When we plot the markers for such maps, the multiple markers stack on top of each other, so it is hard to understand that there are multiple markers in the same location.

We’ve introduced a new mechanism that will label multiple markers on the same location with English alphabets: A, B, C, etc. When you see marker with an alphabet letter on it, you’ll know that there are multiple markers in that location.

When you click on the topmost location, the markers will cycle through so that the next click will bring up the marker below.

For example, this map of Austin bars and restaurants, has a few markers labelled with alphabets.

The labels are added when you set the Settings -> Markers -> Label overlapping markers option in your map.

The labels will not be added for marker clusters, custom icons, or small markers. They are added only to normal-sized "teardrop" pins.

Thanks. With warm wishes, The ZeeMaps Team"