My Amazing Mom,...Must be the Irish...

As some of you may know, My mom suffered a major stroke/bleed 2 1/2 weeks ago,...Total right side deficit, with no speech at all,...almost in a totally vegitative state,....As you can imagine, It put the whole family into "oh holy ****" mode,...

Lots of phone calls from all over the states, Doctor and staff consults and meeting, missed time at work, no sleep, Relatives camping at my house...My Dad was just stunned, I'm sure some of you folks are familiar with this.

Once she was stabilized and slowly recovering, I Had her transferred to a local hospital with a very aggressive rehab program,...What a differerence,...

Spent yesterday watching the staff work with her,...Just freakin amazing,...Eating on her own, talkin up a storm, fiesty as ever,...Even went out to the flower garden at the hospital so she could get some fresh air,...I figure at this rate, we'll be at a sub-acute rehab facility by the end if the month,...

In my 35 years of EMS work, I have never seen anyone bounce back from this caliber of brain injury so fast,....Freakin Amazing,....She reminds me of my great gramma who was off the boat from County Cork, that women was a pice of work,....Must be the Irish,,....

It was a good day.