Steering wheel coupler

i don't know what the hey happened to the out of focus ones because i had the camera on macro, maybe i didn't wait long enough. i hope you can see everything well enough.
3rd pic down. an in focus pic of 5 & 6.
4th pic the plate i made to cover the wiring up.
5th pic, under the coupler is a spacer to get it up far enough to set the plate on and have a tad of space for the steering wheel to turn without rubbing it.
6th pic, it's a spacer that's between the coupler and the steering shaft, it's a piece of a diagonal link for ladder bars.
7th pic, it's a 1/4" steel roll pin to hold the coupler on the shaft.
you will also have to use a little screw to hold the horn roller down so the plate will sit flat.