Body and paint SOS-911 help

Contact Ross (res1vw21) here on the board. He lives just south of you in Kirkland. He works in a body shop, while he may not want/have time to do the work himself, he might be able to steer you to some people he knows.
I wouldn't blast that car if your not looking for a perfect 10 finish. From the pictures it looks like most of the original paint is still holding on tight. I am not an expert by any means but I would scuff it real good with something in the range of 100-150 sandpaper and get a couple of coats of epoxy on there and go from there. The epoxy is not a forever solution but it definitely will buy you some time. Concentrate on the engine bay, get that complete and get the motor in. With the rest of the body in epoxy you can still enjoy the car and break down the body work into sections so that it doesn't seem overwhelming. Just make sure you seal up your recent body work with a couple of coats of epoxy before exposing it to the elements. It will cost you more in material over the long run to do it this way, but you won't lose interest in a non-driveable, half assembled car taking up space in the driveway either