Just a ventalating rant about how much my life sucks

You think your like sucks...... You got nothing.

You want to know about a life that sucks? Try having your wife give you herpes after 20 years of marriage.

Then try losing your *** in a divorce.

To sweeten the cake, toss in the child support on 5 kids and the spousal support that you give to your ex wife every month because she would never get off her *** and get a job, but she had plenty of time to be on here back all around town.

Try getting kicked out of your own home with nothing but a trash bag of close.

Even better is when she signs (forges your name) over the title to your 70 Chevelle to her new boyfriend, because you cant get over to the house to get more of your stuff and even if you could, you wouldn't have a place to put it because you are living in a friends old truck camper and are broke because the ***** gets all but $75 a month of your paycheck.

Oh, and all that money you thought you had saved..... She claims that she spent it on video poker while you were still married so you are out that $185,000 too.

Oh, and now the ex has also convinced the kids that dad is "A bad man" and they won't talk or visit you anymore.

And she kept the god damn dog too, not that I could afford to feed it anyway on the $75 damn dollars Im left with every-month to live on.

You know what it's like living on 75 dollars a month? Let me tell you, no woman will date you and you can't afford a playboy.

You spend your days looking at the underwear section of department store catalogs while drinking Old English 800.
Wow that ^^^ SUCKS
If this doesn't make you grateful for what you have nothing will.