Mountain Motorcycle Trip on Highest Paved Road in US

My Yamaha didn't miss a beat going up Pikes those darn dump trunks and gravel road were something else. :)
When I went up it in 78 with my 76 Datsun pickup with camper top and fully loaded that was a different story. I had to rev it up and dump the clutch. Didn't think it was going to make it. But it did.
This year I took the Cog railway and let the CrownVic was good that I did cause the road was closed due to snow. This was in May.
But on the say day.....this happened. !@@#$ out around Gunnison Co.

Crap, I remember that, not good and the last thing I want to hit is an elk or moose on the bike. :cheers:

The whole concept behind this is a training run for a planned looong trip from Denver to San Diego (1075 mi one way) at the end of August. Been doing sit-ups and push ups every morning to increase upper body and core strength before the trip.

Just got a new Corbin Seat on order for the long trip too: