External oiling question

I'm not trying to argue the point. I want proof. Up to this point, all I've seen is "I know for a fact" and baseless statements like that. You know? How? I am asking a question here too. Is my question somehow less valued since I'm askin it? All I want to know is at what point is something like this necessary and why? If you can answer it, great. If not, then don't give me a bunch of baseless opinion.

My opinion is based on seeing people run low 8s and high 7s in rail type dragsters with stock style oiling systems with only the 1/2" hemi pickup mod. If memory serves me correctly, I don't think the 7 second engine has been apart since it was built......over 6 seasons ago. It gives zero problems. Never loses oil pressure. I would think if something "needed" an external oiling system and a swinging pickup, a dragster would be it. All I'm asking is to help me understand.

The point of this thread never had anything to do with whether they work or not. The question I actually asked is if anyone knew if they'd clear the K-member or not. Do you know the answer to that question? Do you KNOW it? I don't KNOW it...Which is why I asked. If you want to banter on about "proof" or "knowing" whether or not external oiling works, and clutter up the thread some more, I suppose that's your choice.

For the record...Do I KNOW of they work for sure? Nope. But I'm going to try it out, and see how it does. Is that OK with you? LOL. I'm mostly just giving you ****, so no need to get all bent. I don't mind listening to thoughts and opinions, but this thread was never about that.