A727 Rebuild kits redux - Rebuild kits everywhere (62-70 vs 71+)

You all are awesome! Thanks for the feedback everyone it is much appreciated. There are very knowledgeable, insightful and helpful folks on FABO. I wrote on my Welcome wagon post that I was new to Mopar and FABO…it’s been a great experience so far.

70aarcuda (Tony) – I noticed that you’ve recommended the transstar package on othere threads and it seems like your go to kit. I’ll keep that in mind while as I consider the final rebuild package. Oh, is the part ref. K12900E-4 a servo spring? It wasn’t clear to me on the Northern site. Thanks!

TrailBeast - Thanks. You’re right I am probably over thinking some of it. Lol I’m being very cautions to understand since it’s my first trans build and there are a lot more pieces in a 727 than the clutches on MCs. I don’t mind the research it’s a great learning experience which hopefully means I’ll get it right on the first shot. Thank you.

Bakerlite – Thanks for your input. Which suppliers did you end using for parts?

Fishy68 (Tracy) – Nice information and recommendations thank you. You’ve given me a lot to chew on…. I’m going to look over your reply a few times and let it soak in before I follow up. btw, I did order the 727 handbook and the DVD for review and reference. I’ll see where that hole in the case is supposed to go. Much Obliged!

Transman – Thanks for the detail on the manufacturer/wholesaler relationship! It’s not a surprise this stuff is repacked but good to know who the manufacturers are which will come in handy in $. My build is mainly for the street and the transmission will immediately back a 400HP engine and I would like to plan for growth and build for up to 500HP. Thanks for the rebuild breakdown, tips and pointers Nice info.. I’ll digest the info and follow up.