Bi-Focal Safety Glasses

Just my 2 cents as a licensed Ophthalmic Dispenser. My job is to interpret and fill eyeglass/contact lens prescriptions from Optometrists and Ophthalmologist.

Ophthalmologist-is a specialist in medical and surgical eye problems and are MD's

Optometrist-primary eye care professional trained to prescribe and fit lenses to improve one's vision, also most today are T.P.A. certified which means they can treat certain eye diseases

Ophthalmic Dispenser-one who adapts and fits lenses for the correction of deficiencies, deformities or anomalies of the human eye

Basically I make prescription eyeglasses.I had to attend a technical college for two years and intern for one, then pass the state boards and have/maintain a clean record in order to fabricate eyeglasses. I must have twenty four hours of continuing education credits every two years to maintain my license. We must follow strict rules in the interpretation and fabrication of eyeglasses based on the ANSI standards.0ver the counter or commercial glasses do not meet these requirements.They are not measured for your individual pupil distance or height.When these measurements are off they produce unwanted prism.This can cause discomfort and visual problems including blur, headaches, nausea and even double vision.Most of these glasses are made in China and are labeled incorrectly.Do not assume what is on the label is what you are purchasing. That includes those cheap 100% UV protected sunglasses that are actually not UV protected at all.The readers marked +2.00 is actually +2.25 in one eye and +1.75 in the other. Let's not forget those cheap safety glasses that do not pass the requirements for safety in the U.S.A.That being said not all eyeglasses made in China are made incorrectly,but keep in mind you get what you pay for. The next time your eye Dr tells you to get over the counter "readers" ask if he/she would accept those same tolerance's in your distance glasses or any other pair of glasses. How about his/her glasses? If your finances allow it purchase a real pair of glasses. Specify that to your eye Dr so that he gives you your full reading RX not the modified over the counter one.Support your local eyeglass shop.

Wow, what a great write up!!! FABO has experts on everything ... :-D Thanks for sharing that one.