3 questions about 6s

I hate it when guys come into forums and bash any quality brand unchecked and unabated using nothing but, "I heard this and that" on the internet.

You don't know me, nor anything about the amount or type of research I've done. You're simply defensive because my conclusions differ from your admittedly biased opinion.

I've cut open enough filters and done enough research to draw my own conclusions, but thanks for posting the "objective" video. FYI, the only information regarding oil filters that I'll trust is that which comes from a source other than an oil filter producer or their employees who stand to make a buck based on my decision.

If someone doesn't like like the way I vote, they can get their own guy elected. If you don't like my opinions (or those of half the frickin' internet), tell your superiors to spend more money on building filters and less on advertising.

In the meantime, I'll buy almost any filter BUT Fram, and will continue to recommend that others do the same.