3 questions about 6s

You don't know me, nor anything about the amount or type of research I've done. You're simply defensive because my conclusions differ from your admittedly biased opinion.

I've cut open enough filters and done enough research to draw my own conclusions, but thanks for posting the "objective" video. FYI, the only information regarding oil filters that I'll trust is that which comes from a source other than an oil filter producer or their employees who stand to make a buck based on my decision.

If someone doesn't like like the way I vote, they can get their own guy elected. If you don't like my opinions (or those of half the frickin' internet), tell your superiors to spend more money on building filters and less on advertising.

In the meantime, I'll buy almost any filter BUT Fram, and will continue to recommend that others do the same.

Do you really think that a bias allows a person to lie or distort facts? I'm not allowed to lie for my job. I'm going to defend our brand because I'm right in doing so and you are causing damage to our reputation without presenting facts.
My bias comes from objective testing and engineering and our OEM business relationships.

You're right I DO NOT know you but your failure to educate yourself by doing anything other than cutting a filter open and drawing conclusions really isn't engineering, nor can it be construed as fact based reporting. By slamming Fram subjectively you are damaging a company's reputation. Like anyone else here that MIGHT want to learn something about filtration you should really consider attending one of our quarterly lab tours. It's not a sales pitch.

Quite frankly, I do not stand to make any more money by spending my time here defending our company's reputation. But as a car guy AND a Mopar guy I'm here listening to the same rhetoric over and over by you guys and I realize that everyone's need to hear themselves trumps anything that I might say. I'm sure that I have NOT misquoted any filtration specs by us or slammed our competition in any way other than fact reporting.

That being said I will introduce myself. I'm Dave Buckshaw, Sr. Technical Trainer/Film Producer for UCI/Fram. I have over 30 years of professional experience in automobile engineering, with expertise in EFI calibration, J1850/ISO read write software development, OBD2, and electronic controls. My engine building experience was as operations manager for an mass manufacturer of aftermarket Ford Modular V8 engines. Additionally I worked on LSX engine development and dynamometer testing for a GM Tier 1 aftermarket supplier. Prior to my Mopar love affair, I was responsible for ECU calibrations on the fastest 3800 FWDs in the US, with my customers running in the 8's at over 150 mph. Outside of cars I'm a Isshin Ryu practitioner married with 2 daughters who are also practitioners, top students, and classical pianists. Just a regular guy like yourself.