'65 Dart-Lights flickered, lost electrical, loud bang, car died

I don't know why everybody wants to make electrical trouble-shooting into some mystical thing that only gurus can approach. If you insist on that attitude, then take it to a maybe clue-less mechanic who will hack up your wiring and charge you big bucks. The wiring diagrams for these cars are very simple, compared with those for modern cars. You can even get cartoon versions with thick colored wires. To use one, just stick your finger on a wire of interest and follow it thru the diagram. They tell you not only the color, but the wire gage, so should be easy to locate any wire. If you think they teach this in engineering school, dream on. Fourier transforms yes, not basic wiring. Next step is to know how to use a multi-meter. I am sure youtube or wikipedia can inform.