Acid reflux?

That to me sounds "counter."

I'm fairly intolerant of acid. I had one hell of a time when I had to prep for my very first colonoscopy some time ago. Only thing I found that didn't "tear up my guts" was low sodium chicken broth

Here is a link to a website:

It suggests using 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons mixed with 8 oz. of water with meals or when you have heartburn. You can mix in 1-2 tablespoons of honey if desired to make it taste better. If you prefer to drink it straight, know that it will erode your tooth enamel, so it's better to sip it thru a straw.

I'll be starting this myself today.

Now I've been doing this two days and it seems to be working. Yeah, I know it sounds counterintuitive, but I've heard and read many reviews of this method and they love it. Anyways, do what works for you and watch out for too much sodium (baking soda is sodium bicarbonate) and brittle bones (from Prilosec).