The Marijuana State of Colorado Is Selling More Hostess Twinkies Than The Rest

Well, i think if the worst thing to come the weed law in Co is that Hostess stays in business, i say make it legal everywhere.
Well, that's the up-side. The down-side, though, is that everyone has become stoned idiots, and worst of all stoned idiot pacifists, hence the success of the mag cap ban in the state. :S
get rid of schoolbusses and make kids ride their bikes to school
Will never happen. Parents are too damned scared their kid will be abducted by some weirdo and rightly so. Further, kids are too damn lazy for that. They wanna get on the bus, stick their iPod buds in their ears, and zone out for the next 8 hours; not bike to school, learn things, then bike back! That would be too much physical activity!!
Screw the Twinkies, where's the dam snow balls and Suzy Qs?
(warning, coarse language ahead)
ummm anybody?? :wack:
No, they don't actually have a tracking chip; that's retarded. The article is obviously a parody. Note that the "article" didn't feature any source agencies, and this is in the "jokes" subforum. Don't worry, Mr. 9/11 troofer, Hostess and the US Government are not actually tracking your twinkies. (you didn't think I'd forgotten your trooferisms, did you!?)

- CK