New Addition To The Fleet,...Mrs. Jaimus's New Ride

Great truck , I have a 09 2500HD 6.0 litre 6 speed auto 410 gears it a long box truck , It is not a econo box but it will pull a stump . My wife and I left home with my Harley Ultra Classic in the box with enough stuff for the winter in Texas . It has averaged 15 mpg all freeway at limit plus a few miles per hour . I would not trade it for a couple mpg as when I need a real truck it is in the drive . I'm sure your truck will be great addition to your fleet. Cheers Bob.

You're right, it's not an econo-box, and it's not meant to be. It's a truck built for the purpose of working, hauling, pulling, and it does what it is designed to do very well.