Slight speedo cable leak...and other questions

Seems to me that this is being overthought, if'n you don't mind my saying so 318.
I do however agree with everything I have seen so far about the rubber versus rubber with steel core gasket and fluids.
As far as mixing Dexron with Type F, I see no reason at all to do this on purpose, but also know it doesn't matter one little bit if they do get mixed.

Really, what I do is drop the pan and filter and then fire the car up and run it through the gears real quick at an idle and shut it off.
Then put it back together and fill it with fluid.

As far as the delay in reverse, a drained back converter can do that (like Tracy mentioned) and it very well could be just a semi normal thing.
I would say if you go out in the morning and start it up and it has a 2 second delay it's going to be fairly normal.

I'd worry if I had to rev it a little to get it to engage when first started cold.
This would indicate hardening rubber seals in the clutchpacks and rear servo that applies the rear band for reverse

All this said and discussed though, I think you should just drop the fluid and filter and let it drip for a half hour while you clean up your pan and bolts, then put it back together and run it.

Thanks fishy68 and TrailBeast for the ins and outs of a 904, tranny fluid compatibility, how my morning startup will now be and staying with the 46RE pan a 46RE pan gasket all I need to say to the Mopar parts guy? Are they usually in stock or a special order? Also, is the fact that it's a lockup 904 going to change the number of qts. of tranny fluid needed for a change (not draining the TC)? So with the tranny being a 83 with a lockup TC, will Dexron III be okay or should I move up to a higher designation? Looking forward to your responses so we can put this one to bed...
All the Best,