Need Help! Need Engine/lights wiring harness info/ideas!

Cool, thanks. I'm working on getting a Chrysler manual. The one I have is only because it came with the car. I've only had the car a few days.

I'm still working on just getting a replacement harness. I'm not at all concerned about getting the cruise control or anything else hooked up. The car might become full race, not even a street car, so... really just need it to run. I haven't decided yet.

I'm not even sure physically how I'd go about re-wiring this. Most of the wires seem pretty "stuck" in there. Some are attached to ends that just pull out, but... yeah. Not real sure what to do with this. If he'd at least left me a few inches, I could have just spliced them all back and made it workable. I'd have to use mostly new wires, as the ones I have are all cut up and pretty much a mess.

OK, so let me work on getting some info and/or maybe even a new harness then go from there. Thanks again.