How to inspect A-833?

The biggest thing I learned after buying a manual trans was checking the engaging teeth condition on each gear. If these are bad it will pop out of gear, not shift into gear smoothly especially on hard acceleration and powershifting. The engaging teeth on each gear should be pointed at the top and not rounded off. These teeth are part of each gear. So if the teeth are bad you have to replace the gear; ~ 200+ each!

Inspect each gears engaging teeth. Don't just do one. You'll need some brake clean and a flash light to remove the gear oil and see the engaging teeth. See pictures below. The side cover MUST come off of course.

So if you have two bad engaging teeth, you have two bad gears. And that is about the same cost of a whole used trans: ~ $450. Many people "rebuild" a manual trans with new bearing, brass syncro, seals, etc BUT cheap out and do not replace the gears with bad engaging teeth. Beware!

Same goes for the syncro rings' engaging teeth. But those are like $15 each and part of a general rebuild.